About Jonathan

Jonathan Martine was certified as a Rolfer in 1992 and completed his advanced Rolfing certification in 1997. In addition, he has studied therapies that treat the fascial systems of the viscera (organs), neural (nerve) system and the cranium. He is a Registered Movement Therapist, Pilates Instructor and Rolf Institute® Faculty member since 1993. Jonathan draws from the work of French Osteopaths, Alain Corbier, Jean-Pierre Barral, Chiropractic Neurologist Dr. Michael Allen, Australian PT’s, David Butler, Michael Shacklock, Rehabilitation specialist Mark Comerford and Chiropractor/Rolfer Don Hazen in a synthesis of neural/visceral-fascia related work. Jonathan is dedicated to presenting and developing effective strategies to restore function, improve performance and relieve suffering. His ongoing inquiry drives him toward useful and complementary approaches for all manual therapists.
Phone: Jonathan and ISMT
720-226-1508 cell/text
303-702-0681 home/office

Jonathan Martine

Scott Pyeatt

Scott is Certified Rolfer® and Manual Therapist. Building on a solid foundation in Eastern Health systems teaching Martial Arts and providing Herbal and Traditional Chinese medicine to health practitioners; Scott has extensive study with the Barral Institute and Functional Neurology with Chiropractor/Neurologist Dr. Michael Allen in visceral, neural and joint mobilization. He has a thriving practice in California where he collaborates with many medical Doctors and allied health practitioners. His influence in the development of the Neural Part 2 and 3 curriculum is invaluable.

John deMahy RN

John’s life long exploration into the structure of the human body and consciousness began in 1972 with his first yoga class. His study of practical anatomy includes two human cadaver dissections, and years of experience in both the conventional and the alternative medical fields.

In addition to his Advanced Training in Rolfing®, John completed training in Somatic Experiencing trauma therapy at The Foundation for Human Development. John has taught kinesiology at the Rolf Institute and at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has also taught courses in meditation and various energy practices. John is currently in the 23rd year of his Rolfing, Structural Integration practice. His desire to understand the biomechanics of the spine and pelvis lead John to creating an accessible and simplified algorithm that allows step by step assessment and treatment of these areas. Contact:

Liz Stewart

Liz is an Advanced Practitioner and has served on the Faculty of the Guild for Structural Integration. Liz structures her class for optimal learning: safety and comfort, intense work and reward. As a teacher, she meets you where you are and challenges you, in an inviting way, to reach a higher level of understanding and skill. With kindness and good humor, Liz brings 20 years of open-eyed experience as an SI practitioner to bear on the material she teaches. Liz embodies the wisdom of her mentors, including Peter Melchior and a variety of other influences, in a most accessible, human and articulate way. As “a perpetual student of the work,” she has developed her own style, her own language, her own message.      e-mail  Liz Stewart

Bruce Schonfeld

Excellent source for Structural Visceral classes


Kirstin Schumaker, Jon Grossart, Karin Edwards, Richard Merbler, Charles Hung.

liz stewart